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今天, many nurses are looking for opportunities to expand their skills and make a bigger impact by furthering their education.
一个受欢迎的选择是护理实践博士(DNP)学位, 越来越多地被视为高级执业护士的黄金标准. 事实上, organizations including the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) and the National Organization for 护士 Faculties are working to adopt the DNP as required preparation for nurse practitioners by 2025.
这取决于你以前的经验和资格, 通常需要两到四年才能获得DNP. 但是什么因素会影响这个时间表,以及谁有资格参加DNP计划?
DNP是护士的终极实用学位. 作为博士学位,它与博士学位处于同一水平.D. 在护理. 当Ph值.D. 项目侧重于进行研究, DNP项目侧重于应用研究来提供循证护理, 评估医疗服务系统,提高质量和患者治疗效果.
DNP programs offer a range of focus areas to prepare graduates to take on leadership roles inside and outside the clinic, 从执业护士到医院主管.
人们对DNP项目的兴趣正在迅速增长, many people assume that you need to earn a Master of Nursing Science (MSN) degree before you can enter a DNP program. 然而,事实并非如此. 今天, AACN报告 294u.S. schools offer BSN到DNP programs designed for registered nurses who hold a Bachelor of Science 在护理 (BSN) degree but don’t have a master’s, 现在大多数dnp都是通过这种方式获得学位的.
通常, these programs include prerequisite coursework to ensure students have the foundational knowledge they need before moving on to more advanced study. 然而, 即使有那些额外的课程, the BSN到DNP的路径 is more streamlined and faster than completing an MSN followed by a DNP.
例如,在mg不朽情缘游戏网址, BSN到DNP 学生只需要修两门桥梁课程, which take about eight months to complete and cost a fraction of the price of a master’s, 在他们进入初级DNP课程之前. That means students who choose this path could save a year or more of study and thousands or even tens of thousands of dollars.
What you learn in a BSN到DNP program will partly depend on your professional goals and the academic track you choose to pursue.
在所有BSN到DNP程序, you’ll learn to analyze and evaluate healthcare systems and processes and apply the latest research to improve quality, 安全性和患者预后. 您还将学习如何创建, nurture and manage effective healthcare delivery teams and to use data to make informed decisions.
除了这些技术知识之外, DNP项目也是培养沟通等软技能的好方法, 道德决策和批判性思维, 所有这些都将有助于你担任任何领导角色.
除了核心DNP课程, BSN到DNP programs with clinical tracks also offer specialized coursework and clinical opportunities to help you get ready for licensure examinations. 这些途径为你成为一名高级执业注册护士(APRN)做好准备。, 比如护士从业人员, 注册护士助产士或注册护士麻醉师.
Many schools offer BSN到DNP programs with multiple academic tracks to offer more specific career preparation.
领导跟踪 prepare students for positions as healthcare executives or hospital leaders or for roles in health informatics or 政策.
由于美国医疗保健专业人员的长期短缺, 护士教育工作者总是供不应求. These tracks prepare nurses to train other nurses in the clinic or in an academic setting.
Nurse practitioner tracks prepare nurses to work in advanced practice roles while also developing their knowledge of healthcare delivery and quality best practices. NP轨道通常按专业领域细分,可能包括:
Students who wish to become certified registered nurse anesthetists (CRNAs) must complete either a nurse anesthesia DNP or a 博士学位 of Nursing Anesthesia Practice (DNAP) program and pass a licensure exam. CRNAs are a type of advanced practice nurse that administers anesthesia and related treatments in a clinical setting.
Nurse midwifery DNP programs are a popular pathway for nurses seeking licensure as certified nurse midwives, a type of advanced practice nurse that delivers sexual and reproductive healthcare with a focus on pregnancy and childbirth.
Clinical nurse specialist (CNS) DNP programs train nurses to work in highly specialized teams. CNS角色需要额外的许可. dnp的重点领域包括:
完成BSN到DNP计划所需的时间取决于几个因素, 包括你选择的学校, 你追求的方向,以及你是全职还是兼职学习.
你可以在三到四年内完成mg不朽情缘游戏网址的BSN到DNP项目, 这取决于你是追求领导的道路还是护士的道路. 在mg不朽情缘试玩, most practicum hours and the scholarly project required of all DNP students are integrated into your coursework. 这节省了你的时间,简化了你的学位程序,帮助你更快地毕业.
You may be able to complete your DNP even sooner if you’ve already completed graduate-level nursing courses or clinical hours. 然而, 因为转学政策因学校而异, it’s wise to reach out to programs you’re interested in to learn about their requirements.
大多数DNP学生平衡学业与工作和个人责任, 但重要的是要确保你为所涉及的时间承诺做好了准备. 寻找那些提供灵活时间安排和在线或混合课程的课程,比如 mg不朽情缘试玩100%在线BSN到DNP,以使这种平衡更易于管理.
Choosing to enroll in a BSN到DNP program is a highly personal decision driven by your career goals and individual circumstances. 也就是说, if you want to be a leader in your organization or in the nursing profession more broadly, DNP可以帮助应用最新的研究来创造持久的变化.
“The ideal DNP student is interested in quality improvement and using evidence to address a gap in practice, 政策, 或流程,黛比·康纳说, Ph.D., MSN, ANP/FNP-BC, FAANP, program chair of mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s 护理实践博士 program. 如果这描述了你, a doctoral degree can both expand your professional toolkit and open up new opportunities for engaging and impactful roles.
mg不朽情缘游戏网址’s BSN到DNP program is open to nurses who hold active licensure and a BSN degree from an accredited institution. Build your management skills through the leadership track or pursue licensure as a nurse practitioner with tracks focused on adult-gerontology primary care, 家庭执业,精神病学和心理健康.
一年有两个开始日期, a flexible online format and practicum and scholarly project opportunities embedded within classes, 你可以在mg不朽情缘试玩更快地开始和完成你的DNP.
了解更多关于mg不朽情缘试玩的信息 BSN到DNP的路径.